Saturday, February 2, 2013


Frankly speaking I have’nt read Salman Rushdie, not because I belong to the herd of people who believe that some piece of literature written by a mere mortal can surmount, supercede or surpass the supposed verbatim given by the supposed omnipotent GOD (not alluding to Arnab Goswami) but purely because I have a simple rule when it comes to literature – I don’t read anything whose length surpasses the length of my thumb. You will never find me having orgasms about Dostoyevsky or the Harry Potter series, the total size size of which surpasses my whole frame (my initiation into Harry Potter is through the movies dubbed in Hindi aired religiously every Sunday on POGO channel and I am still hopeful about seeing Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment or James Joyce’s Ulysses being made into a movie, dubbed and aired on POGO). So when She-who-must-be-worshipped stopped He-who-must-not-be-read from entering the most industrially, agriculturally and culturally kick-ass city in the world, Kolkata, I was Clark Gabla Da : ”Phranklee my dear, I do not geebh a daamn.” But at an age when Arnab Goswami is prodding even the newly born to get over the dented and painted image, you can’t really stick to your cosy world and not be worked about issues that really matter (issues like why was’nt I or Shahid Kapoor not invited to Kareena Kapoor’s wedding or is Karan Johar really a pedophile and his coming out of the closet moment was Student Of The Year or what is the current status of films made by the Bhatts : Jism 32 or Raaz 15 or Jannat 23.

But lets not get into preachy mode this early (I’ll save it to my usually didactic last paragraph). Inspite of all the allegations levelled against She-who-must-be-worshipped of pandering to vote bank politics I seriously think there’s more to her actions than meets the eye. First of all in a state where everything is real and tangible : like the huge investments that’s pouring in from all quarters to the huge industries that is coming up in every place that used to house a Karl Marx picture, to devote one’s attention to something as intangible as cinema or literature is something of a historic blunder (no puns intended). Also cinema or fictional literature being the purest forms of ‘Sajano Ghotona’ (imaginary or pre-fabricated event) and given the serious aversion of people of this state have towards Sajana Ghotonas, it is natural for the Government and all its machineries to strongly oppose someone who makes a living out of it. Also to give room to any film that does’nt have Dev in it would be doing grave injustice to the world famous Bengali film industry that he symbolises. For readers oblivious to the presence of Dev, he is the local superstar who can shapeshift to Swami Vivekananda to Mother Teresa to Rabindranath Tagore in a matter of minutes, doing all of this while shaking a leg to the likes of Challenge nibi na Sala (don’t take challenge bastard) or Paglu thoda sa karle Romance (you lunatic, lets make love). 

Since the driver has somewhat been absolved of the crime all that remains is the driven to be proved just a mere mindless pawn in the game. Now being a overtly secular Muslim living in India it is imperative of me to always remain in super critical mode towards all my fellow brethrens who sport a beard or a skull cap or march on the streets at the drop of a hat. It is also my duty to proclaim how wonderfully tolerant my religion is and it is because of certain fringe elements that the whole religion is getting a bad name. What is not prescribed in my list of duties is to actually stand up to these fringe elements when they actually go about vandalizing the social fabric and basic tenets of the religion that they seem to follow ever so blindly. Every religion at a certain point of time gets corrupted due to severe misinterpretation of its own guiding texts. It is then the duty of the so called liberals to stand up to these misinterpretations and establish what’s truly meant to be followed or re-interpret any obsolete practice so that it fits in perfectly with today's world. But then again I am neither learned nor Nana Patekar from Krantiveer, so I’ll do what I am supposed to do : distance myself from all the fringe elements crying hoarse on the streets and actually worry about Priyanka Chopra’s thick upper lips. And besides on a more devious note, people who are actually protesting may have never gone past their English vocabulary pages let alone Satanic Verses, so imagine their angst when they actually get to know what’s actually written in that straight-from-hell-book. So to She-who-must-worshipped, I pray to you that you devote your resources in educating these fringe elements in satanic languages like English so that they actually get to read Satanic Verses, it would fuel their anger which would make the protests more spontaneous than seem like a Sajano Ghotona.

PS: The author of this blog,oxyMORON, has already started writing a book named ‘Moronic Verses’ in the hope that the same kind of treatment that befell Mr. Rushdie follows him too and he gets to live in exile in London and have girlfriends of the likes of Padma Lakshni and Riya Sen.