Friday, December 3, 2010


Far far away in a place called STEW BANGLE there lived a feisty warrior woman called Ms.Black Hair White Sari (full name Ms. Black Hair White Sari Green Skin Red Heart Bandhkarjee) . She was one of the most fiersome woman ever to have treaded the planet .  And who was she fighting against … ooh the very name would make Voldemort shit in his pants and Joker brush his teeth, she was up against the dreaded Crapunists led by the dangerous Mr.White Hair White Dhoti (full name Mr.White Hair White Dhoti Red Skin Green Heart Bhatbokchi ). The Crapunist were a dangerous clan , once their kingdom spread far wide but now their only bastion was the state of  S. BANGLE . With its inhabitants all mouth no talk , the Crapunist were the best clan to rule over the blind bangled class.

But something happened in the last few years , after years of neglect under the rule of the Devil incarnate Mr.No Smile No Die BOSS-U, the crapunist seriously wanted to give something back to the state . They brought in the biggest merchants of the town the Chatas, who would set up a factory manufacturing cheap magic carpets for the bangled class to travel . Only there was a slight problem the banglis loved their land and didn’t want to give it up .. and here in burst into the scene Ms Bandhkarjee . With her fiery voice and very low apetite , she single handedly drove the Chatas away and also placed a big tight slap on the prospect of banglis to ever prosper .

But the banglis as blind as they were , did not lack intelligence . They had realized that the crapunist were tyrants and wanted to overthrow them and replace them with the land loving mother loving people loving (not necessarily in the same order) Ms. Bandhkarjee (actually she loved Mao, idolized Marx & wanted to marry Castro and was secretly an Ultra Crapunist , necessarily in the same order) . So a bloody battle ensued, the state was polarized into two factions : the Crapunists and those who supported Ms. Bandhkarjee.

So who emerged victorious , none actually .In the run up to the bloody battle , people killed each other mercilessly . Before long the state was turned into a graveyard with no banglis left to rule . As  for the Crapunist leaders , they moved northwards to the yellow country and last heard they were taking fresh lessons of Crapunism from the Big Brother. The warrior woman stayed back in the kingdom , she called herself the empress and was content for the rest of her life, after all her wish of sitting in the throne of S. Bangle had come true .As for the state , it was dead , empty streets , empty house , empty parks ..the only thing that was conspicuous was blood .. red blood scattered on the green grass.

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